Report on the Close Protection Course in Macedonia in June 2015

IBSSA MACEDONIA, one of the official training centres of IBSSA, successfully organised a Close Protection Course Level 3 in Kumanovo, Macedonia between 15 – 20 June 2015. 7 participants attended this special course, who successfully made the final exam and graduated at the end of the course. Some of the students already graduated earlier at IBSSA course basic level in Budapest, Hungary and in Belgrade, Serbia.

The following professional and skilled instructors were invited from IBSSA, from the Faculty of Security Skopje, the Military Academy Skopje and also from Clearwater Special Projects Ltd. United Kingdom: Mr. Branislav Jovchevski Mr. Zlate Dimovski Mrs. Irena Dinova Mrs. Ljubica Popova Mr. Josko Matic Mr. Henry Pattison.

The training course was organised jointly and in close collaboration with Clearwater Special Projects Ltd. from the UK. After graduation a closing ceremony took place, where the participants received the diplomas of the course.


Branislav Jovchevski
Country Representative of IBSSA for Macedonia