21st March 2018
Metropolitan Hotel – Tel Aviv, Israel

09.00 Official opening of the XXI. Congress of IBSSA (Annual Meeting)

1. Roll call - Prof. Rony KLUGER – General Secretary

2. Election of - Chairman of the congress (Prof. George POPPER)
- Keeper of the minutes (Ms. Erika MACSÁRI)
- Attesters of the minutes (Dr. Miklós VARGA, Dr. András NIKLÓS)
3. Official Opening: Welcome and address by the President (Prof. George POPPER)

4. Reports:

5. Election of the new leadership – Board of Directors (Proposal - ANNEX 6)

  • President
  • General Secretary Chairman
  • Vice Presidents
  • Auditing Committee
Approval of Appointments
  • Chairman of the Executive Committee

6. Information on Appointments (ANNEX 7)

  • Chairman of the Executive Committee
  • Vice Chairmen
  • Chairmen of Departments
  • Leadership of the IBSSA International Sport Federation (ISF)

7. Brief report on the current situation of the security field - Plans for the year 2019 and future events worldwide by the President of IBSSA

10.30 Coffee break

6. IBSSA - IPA – IAPA “Partnership for Security”
International Joint Conference
on Fight against Human Trafficking, Modern Slavery and Terrorism
and Award Ceremony

11.00 Official opening of the 6th “Partnership for Security” International Conference

1. Welcome Speech by Dr. Rony KLUGER – Chief of the Congress Organising Committee in Israel

2. Keynote Speaker: President of IBSSA – Prof. George POPPER
- Greeting letters from our officials and partner organisations
HMEH Prince José, IBSSA France, Canada, Mexico, ASMS
G.S. Bertoletti, Paul Höglund, Zeev Gefen

11. 15 Briefings:

Speech by Dr. Zoltán HOSSÓ – President of IAPA

Reports on the current situation in Europe and Worldwide by Prof. George POPPER – President of IBSSA

Report on Human Slavery by Mr. Tony SCHIENA – President of MOSAIC (Multi Operational Security Agency Intelligence Company), Counter-Terror Expert of IBSSA

Report on Cyber Security by Mr. Guy LUPO

Report on the IBSSA Education and Qualification Department by Dr. Rony KLUGER – Chairman of EQ Dept. (ANNEX 8)

Information about MEDIHELP International and NESACARD by Mr. András KOVÁCS

Special topics about Education by Dr. Bogdan VUKOSAVLJEVIC – Chairman of the European Operative Section of the EQ Dept. of IBSSA
                PDSU Medal of Merit

Written Information about the IBSSA Anti-Human Trafficking Project by Karl DELAGUERRA (ANNEX 9 )

12.30 Coffee break

12.45 Briefing by the Chairman of the Congress / President

IBSSA decorations, awards

Decorations of Order of Security:


  • Mr. Zoltán ISZLAI – proposed by IBSSA
  • Mr. Branislav JOVCHEVSKI – proposed by IBSSA
  • Mr. András NOVÁK – proposed by IBSSA
  • Mr. Tony SCHIENA – proposed by IBSSA
  • Ing. Lukas ZVALA – proposed by IBSSA


  • Mr. Avraham SALMON – proposed by IBSSA
  • Dr. Shraga SADE – proposed by IBSSA


  • Ms. Viktória HÄFNER – proposed by IBSSA

Decorations of IAPA:

Honorary IAPA Membership
IAPA Gold Diploma
  • 13.45 Closing the Congress, Conference and Award Ceremony
  • 14.00 Lunch break
  • 15.00 Half day Tour
  • 20.00 Gala dinner – SAYONARA PARTY in Metropolitan Hotel