Data Privacy Statement
This regulation has been established in line with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC under observance of its provisions.
According to the regulations of Act CXII of 2011 on the right of informational self-determination and on freedom of information, IBSSA (the owner of this website) is considered as Data Manager.
IBSSA only manages data directly provided to us by you during the use of our services, either in the forms on our website or via direct contact (e-mail or telephone) and/or provided in person.
IBSSA makes use of your information exclusively on the grounds of customer contact, in order to stay in contact with you as a customer. Data management serves this purpose only.
IBSSA asks you to provide the following data during submitting forms or registration: Name, e-mail address, telephone number.
IBSSA will store your data for 10 days and delete it after this period.
IBSSA declares that the personal data and information provided by the users of the website are managed by the company as Data Manager and/or by its designated Data Administrators under observation of the data protection rules. During data management, the data voluntarily provided by you can exclusively by accessed by IBSSA employees with relevant work duties.
In accordance with the law on data protection, you can demand information about the management of your personal data.
You are entitled to update and change your personal data, to ask for their deletion and raise objection against the management of your data by using the contact information indicated on our website. IBSSA reserves the right to change the respective contents of the website without restriction and without notification and also to discontinue or to suspend any or every service.
When creating this website, we proceeded with due care, however, we do not take over any responsibility for acts indirectly or immediately conducted by any domestic or foreign legal or natural entity or an organization without legal personality on the basis of the information contained on the website or obtained from or through the website in a web page, notwithstanding the fact of whether this data or information was published by us or by other parties.
You hereby agree that the use of the information downloaded from the website or obtained through the website happens on a voluntary basis, at you own discretion and is exclusively at your own risk.
In addition, users commit themselves to not passing on personal data learned within the framework of the received service to a third party without authorization. User acknowledges bearing the responsibility for the damages resulting from the violation of these obligations.