General Secretary
Personal Info :
Born: 3rd of January 1952
Owner and Leader of :
International Budo Academy LLC.
Karate Do International Ltd.
Israeli System of Military Self Defence, Krav Maga, International
Educational Institute of Instructor Coaches and Masters
Phone +97239309504
Fax +97239306040
Mobile +972509309504
Education :
Social Psychology, Educational Planning, Methodic-Didactics, Training Analyzation, Philosophy of the Art (Tel Aviv, Open University, 1975-1984).
Alternative Medicine: Shiatsu andBio Energy ("Kushido" Health Academy, South Africa, 1986).
MA. -Master Teacher of Martial Arts -1994 -(International Budo Academy)
MA. - Educational Management -1995 - (Hamilton. U.)
Ph.D. - Education - 1997 - (Hamilton. U.)
Professional Education :
Instructor of Krav Maga (Israeli Defence Forces, 1970 - 1973)
Head Master of Israeli System of Military Self Defence, Krav Maga, International
Certified Instructor of Judo (School of Physical Education and Sport, Israel- 1972)
School of Karate Do Teachers (South Africa 1974-1975)
Graduate of the WKF Masters Seminar (1986)
Graduated Senior Coach of Martial Arts (School of Physical Education and Sport, Israel - 1987)
Graduate of advanced course for Karate Do Masters (South Africa 1991)
4th. Dan Judo (USMA)
8th.Dan, Ju Jitsu (USMA)
Master of Arts - Budo, (International Budo Academy, 1996)
Karatedo, Kyoshi (Master of Masters), Hachi Dan (8th Degree) authorized by: Dai Nippon Butokukai, Kyoto - Japan (1997) and Okinawa Goju Ryu Karate Do Sho Honbu JUNDOKAN, Okinawa
8th Dan - World Karate Federation (WKF)
Occupation and professional Credit :
1967-1970 - Judo and Self-Defence, Krav Maga Instructor ("Amos" Institute, Israel)
1970-2005 - Physical Education and Close Combat - Krav Maga Instructor, Supervisor and Training Analyzer (Ministry of Defence â State of Israel)
Since 1975 - Head of the International School of Martial Arts, (Karate Do International Renmei)
1977 - 1984 - Head Instructor of the Health and Recreation Centre of Israel
1984 -1995 - National Chief Referee of the Israel Karate Federation
1977- 1997 - Member of the Directing Committee of the Israel Karate Federation
1988 - Coordinator and Director of the WUKO-MASTERS SEMINAR and Technical Congress (Hungary)
1985- 2000 - Head of the Martial Arts Department at the Nat Holman School of Instructors and Coaches - Wingate Institute for Sport and Physical Education (Ministry of Science, Culture and Sport - State of Israel)
Since 1989 - Advisor to the Finnish Budo Association "Jigota-ry"
1992 - Director and Organizer of the first JKF Masters Seminar in Israel
1995 - Member of the Referee Council of World Karate Confederation
Since 1995 - Dean of the International Budo Academy
Since 1996 - Technical Advisor to the Hungarian Karate Federation
Since 1996 - International Advisor to Seishinkai International Karate Do Union
Since 1997 - Member of the Presidium of World Jundokan Association
Since 1984 - Official Representative and Certified Officer of Okinawa Goju Ryu Karate JUNDOKAN, Okinawa, JAPAN
Since 1997 - Certified Officer and Representative of the historical Dai Nippon Butokukai, Kyoto, JAPAN
Since 1998 - General Secretary of the International Bodyguard and Security Services Association
Since 1999 - Dean of the Faculty of Martial Arts at the Israeli College for Security and Investigation
Since 2000 - Member of the Presidium and the Technical Committee of the AAU (American Athletic Union) Karate Program
Since 2003 - Head of Karate Do IBA, School of Instructor Coaches and Masters recognised by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport â State of Israel
Since 2004 - President of the International Sport Federation of IBSSA (IBSSA - ISF)
Since 2004 - Chairman of the Technical Committee of the Israel Karate Federation