MINUTES of the XIX. Congress of the IBSSA, 4th International Joint Conference of IBSSA – IPA – IAPA, and Award Ceremony

International Bodyguard & Security Services Association
Postal address: 1276 Budapest 22 P.O.Box 28, Hungary


MINUTES of the XVIII. Congress of the IBSSA,
3rd International Joint Conference of IBSSA – IPA – IAPA,
and Award Ceremony
28th September 2013, Budapest / HUNGARY


Between 27 – 28 September 2013 the XVIII. Congress of IBSSA, and the 3rd International Joint Conference of IBSSA – IPA (International Police Association) – IAPA (International Auxiliary Police Association) took place together with the Award Ceremony at the Conference room of Hotel President in Budapest, Hungary with the participation of appr. 130 members from 40 countries, representing 35 national and international organisations. Numerous security companies of the region also delegated their representatives to the Congress.

Mr. Antal KOLLÁR (Hungary) – Country Representative of IBSSA for Hungary and host of the elective Congress welcomed all delegates, representatives of our association, honorary guests, and wholeheartedly greeted Prof. George POPPER (Hungary) – President of IBSSA and finally opened officially the IBSSA Congress.

Then Mr. Kollár asked Dr. Rony KLUGER (Israel) – General Secretary of IBSSA for Roll Call. It was announced, that having the roll call country-by-country and delegate-by-delegate was unnecessary as majority of the attendees knew each other and according to the list of participants and the Statutes of IBSSA it was stated that the Congress has a quorum.
The Congress votes by open ballot and single majority.
The delegates with voting rights had either 1 or 10 votes, as for individual members has 1 vote and corporate members has 10 votes. Voting by proxy was also allowed according to the Statutes of IBSSA.
After the roll call the Congress unanimously adopted the following proposals:
- Chairmen of the congress:
Prof. George POPPER (Hungary) and Dr. Paul HÖGLUND (Sweden)
- Keepers of the minutes:
Ms. Erika MACSÁRI (Hungary) and Ms. Éva REICHENBERGER (Hungary)
- Attesters of the minutes:
Mr. Antal KOLLÁR (Hungary) and Dr. Olivér RÓZSA (USA)
After the administrative formalities Dr. Rony KLUGER called upon Prof. George POPPER – President of IBSSA – as chairman of the congress, who first of all greeted all delegates and expressed his thanks to everyone for their continuous support and attendance at this significant event, with special thanks to the Organising Committee for the great help and professional assistance, as well as to the Sponsors for all kind of cooperation.
The President of IBSSA gave a short report about the Congress itself, that the first part would be an internal meeting with elections, while the Conference afterwards is open for all guests, associated organisations, observers and the press.

Furthermore Prof. George POPPER announced that high-ranking leaders and officials, VIPs and IBSSA representatives were sending greetings and good wishes for the event, such as:

• His Most Eminent Highness Prince José COSMELLI (Portugal) – Patron of IBSSA, Grand Master of the “Sovereign Order of Saint John of Jerusalem, Knights of Malta, Federation of the Autonomous Priories” (KMFAP)
• Dr. Frank PHILIPOOM (Netherlands) – Country Representative for the Netherlands
• Mr. Ronan CHATELLIER (France) – Country Representative for France
• Mr. Stephen CHEE (Singapore) – Country Representative for Singapore
• Mr. Tibor MOLNÁR (Kenya) – Country Representative for Kenya
• Mr. Michael CSOKE (Canada) – Country Representative for Canada
• Mr. Thourn SINAN (Cambodia) – Country Representative for Cambodia


After the roll call and welcoming Prof. George POPPER – President of IBSSA, Chairman of the Congress informed all attendees that this Congress was an elective assembly. The President gave a thorough report on behalf of the Board of Directors on the activities of IBSSA since the last Congress and especially on the work of the association in the past 5 years, and also about the future goals, programs of IBSSA for the next 5 years and asked the Congress for confidence.

Prof. Popper informed the participants that all congress related materials, significant documents and previous reports on IBSSA as well as on IBSSA – ISF were uploaded to our Website: www.ibssa.org and also distributed worldwide.
Prior to the main lines and reports of the Congress Agenda, Prof. Popper called upon Dr. Zeev GEFEN (Israel) – representing the Chairman of the IBSSA Executive Committee to present the official report – discussed the previous day – on behalf of the Committee.
Prof. George Popper – Chairman of the Congress reported shortly about the auditing, as there was only one independent auditor formerly, but now there is an Auditing Committee consisting of 3 people. Prof. Popper called Dr. Olivér RÓZSA (USA) – experienced auditor in several national and international organisations to provide official information on the pecuniary situation of the association.

Then Prof. George Popper asked the Congress to approve the above reports. The Congress unanimously adopted all the reports including the report of the President, the General Secretary, the Executive Committee Chairman as well as the Audit Report.

Prof. George Popper gave a detailed report about the budget for the future and roughed out the financial situation of IBSSA.
(Profit and Loss Statement and Balance sheet – ANNEX 4)

Then the IBSSA President asked the Congress to approve the Budget for 2014. The Congress unanimously adopted the Budget.

Prof. George Popper – President of IBSSA informed the congress participants that the Statutes of IBSSA was last updated 5 years ago. Upon proposal of Mr. Khalil Ahmad KHAN (Pakistan) – Country Representative for Pakistan and with the acceptance of the Executive Committee the following amendment of the Statutes is necessary: - to include IBSSA-ISF in the Statutes of IBSSA The Congress unanimously adopted the planned modification of the Statutes, which has to be prepared by Dr. Rony Kluger – President of IBSSA-ISF and Mr. Khalil A. Khan, and when it is approved by the IBSSA Board of Directors then the modified Statutes will be in force.

Dr. Paul HÖGLUND (Sweden) – Chairman of the Congress announced that the ex-leadership made a great job – as it is seen from the report of the last 5 years' activities. Then he reviewed the proposal of the Executive Committee for election. The document is based on the proposals and nominations arrived 30 days in advance the Congress date – according to the Statutes of IBSSA.
The Congress unanimously re-elected and elected the members to their positions stated in the proposal.

The newly elected Board of Directors for the next 5 years:

  • Patron:  His Most Eminent Highness Prince José COSMELLI (Portugal)
  • Honorary Founding President:  HRH Prince Adan Czartoryski BORBON (Spain)
  • President:  Prof. George POPPER (Hungary)
  • General Secretary:  Dr. Rony KLUGER (Israel)
  • Chairman:  Dr. Eric Van de WALL (Netherlands)
  • 1st Vice President:  Dr. Marko NICOVIC (Serbia)
  • Vice President:  Mr. Stephen CHEE (Singapore)
  • Vice President:  Mr. Imtiaz ABDULLA (South Africa)
  • Vice President:  Mr. Jerry BRUMLEY (USA)
  • Vice President:  Dr. Constantin BUZATU (Romania)
  • Honorary Vice President for American continent:  Dr. Joey DEMAIO (USA)
  • Honorary Vice President for African continent: HE Alh. Yahya A.J.J. JAMMEH (Gambia)

Chairman of the Executive Committee:

  • Dr. Zeev GEFEN (Israel)

Members of the Auditing Committee for the next 5 years:

  • Mr. John BOKOTEY (Ukraine)
  • Dr. László REINDL (Hungary)
  • Dr. Oliver ROZSA (USA)

The activity of IBSSA International Sport Federation (IBSSA – ISF) started 10 years ago. The President and General Secretary were re-elected as follows:

President of IBSSA - ISF: Dr. Rony KLUGER (Israel)

General Secretary of IBSSA - ISF: Dr. Frank PHILIPOOM (Netherlands)

The Congress Chairman provided information on Appointments to several positions, which were approved by the Congress.
Dr. András CZAPÁRY (Hungary) – Chairman of the Technical Department of IBSSA sent his report on the activities of the department in the last year.

After the official reports two candidates have indicated their intention to organise the IBSSA Congress in 2014, and these were: Switzerland and Serbia. The IBSSA Board of Directors will make the final decision later, but it is likely that the representatives of Switzerland will win the right to organise the Congress, since an IBSSA Congress was already held in Belgrade, Serbia in 2007!

When all the reports and comments were finished, Prof. George POPPER officially closed the Congress and informed all attendees about the forthcoming programs, which start at 11.00 am in the Conference room.

* * * * *


On the 28th September 2013 at 11.00 am – right after the XVIII. Congress of the IBSSA – the 3rd International Joint Conference of IBSSA – IPA (International Police Association) – IAPA (International Auxiliary Police Association) on “Partnership for Security” with the main topic: “Traffic Safety on land, in water and air”, together with Award Ceremony took place in the Conference room of Hotel President, Budapest.

This year the “Partnership for Security” program was organised with the support of the Ministry of National Development (NFM), the National Transport Authority (NKH) and the active participation of HungaroControl – Hungarian Air Navigation Services, since Hungary won last year the PIN Award. The National Accident Prevention Commission (OBB) of the National Police (ORFK) had enduring role in making our country receiving last year the Road Safety PIN Award of the European Transport Safety Council (ETSC), which is the area's most prestigious professional recognition.

Unfortunately the main organiser and supporter of the Conference, Dr. Zoltán SCHVÁB – Chairman of the IBSSA Traffic Safety Department, Deputy Secretary of State for Transport at the Ministry of National Development – just several weeks prior to the event was suddenly hospitalised in serious condition. His brother, Mr. Viktor SCHVÁB was representing him during the Conference.

Since many delegations and representatives of IBSSA arrived also to the 18th Congress of the IBSSA – which was held the same day in the morning – the International Joint Conference had also a wide international attendance, from about 40 countries nearly 130 participants, representing 35 international and national organisations were present.

Prof. George POPPER – President of IBSSA welcomed all delegates, representatives of our association, high-ranking leaders of IPA, IAPA, NKH, HungaroControl and other law enforcement agencies, then wholeheartedly greeted the present honorary and VIP guests, who accepted the invitation and honoured our event with their participation:
• Dr. István FODROS – Honorary General Consul for Sao Tomé and Príncipe, Chief-Editor of Diplomatic Magazine
• Dr. Valér DÁNOS ret. police major-general (Hungary) – Head of the Education, Training and Organisation Science Directorate of the Ministry of Interior (BM-OKTF)
• General Ján CULKA (Slovakia) – President of FEMERAID Europe, Commander of the Slovakian Disaster Response Unit
• Dr. Zeev GEFEN (Israel) – President of the Israeli College for Security and Investigation
• Mr. Daulet TULAKBAYEV (Kazakhstan) – representing H.E. Nurbakh Rustemov, Ambassador of Kazakhstan
• Military Attache of Ukraine – representing H.E. Yurii Mushka, Ambassador of Ukraine
• Ms. Szabira NAGY (Russia) – from the Russian Embassy
• Lady Andrea LEE and Lady Connie SMIGIEL (USA) – Dames of the Sovereign Order of Cyprus

After the welcoming Prof. George POPPER summarized briefly the happenings of the morning event, and gave a detailed report on the forthcoming activities and official programs of IBSSA and officially opened the Conference.

The Keynote Speaker of the Conference, Mr. Gyula GYŐRI – President of the National Transport Authority welcomed the “Partnership for Security” program, and congratulated on this expressive and apt title with special regard to the main subject: “Traffic Safety on land, in water and air”. He highlighted the importance of unity and the necessity of collaboration, when we talk about safety, or crime prevention, or making transport safer, whether working in the civil service and private security firms, or being entrusted with the protection of public authorities, and government bodies. Of course the above objective of the “Partnership for Security” program is welcomed and supported not only by the National Transport Authority, but also by the Ministry of National Development (MND) and other relevant authorities.

The Conference participants listened the presentations and briefings of the following officials:
  • Mr. Kornél SZEPESSY – CEO of HungaroControl 
  • Mr. Zoltán HOSSÓ – Vice President of IAPA
  • Mr. Karl DELAGUERRA (USA) – Country Representative of the USA
  • Mr. István MACSÁRI – police major, Head of Aviation Security Unit at Airport Police
  • Dr. Rony KLUGER (Israel) – General Secretary of IBSSA and President of IBSSA ISF
  • Mr. László TÍMÁR – Chairman of Vehicle Security and Crime Prevention Department of IBSSA
  • Dr. Paul G. HÖGLUND (Sweden) – Transport planning engineer, Chairman of Quality Control Department of IBSSA
  • Mr. Khalil Ahmad KHAN (Pakistan) – President of the Asian Ju-Jitsu & Belt Wrestling Federation
  • Dr. Tamás PAUKERT – Regional President of IPA Hungary
  • Gen. Ján CULKA (Slovakia) – Head of KCZS (Disaster Response Unit – Komplexná Centrálna Záchranná Služba)
  • Mr. Bogdan VUKOSAVLJEVIC (Slovenia) – International Coordinator of IBSSA for the Balkan Region

After the speeches and briefings – upon proposal of the IBSSA President – all present participants voted in favour of expanding internationally the “Életúton” (Road of Life) program, which was launched in Hungary in 2011 and has been highly successful since then.

* * * * *


After the lunch break at 3 pm the AWARD CEREMONY of the 18th Congress of IBSSA, the 3rd International Joint Conference of IBSSA – IPA – IAPA and of the XII. “SEC-tember” International Special Security Advanced EP Training started.

Prof. George POPPER – President of IBSSA welcomed everybody, and reported shortly about the current condition of Dr. Zoltán SCHVÁB – Chairman of the IBSSA Traffic Safety Department, Deputy Secretary of State for Transport at the Ministry of National Development, who could not be here with us due to a serious illness.
The following companies, national and international organisations – who wished to honour Dr. Zoltán SCHVÁB during the Conference with their recognitions – could hand over their decorations to Mr. Viktor SCHVÁB – brother of Zoltán:
  • National Transport Authority
  • HungaroControl Zrt.
  • IBSSA – recognition “For continuous outstanding service rendered to IBSSA”
  • IAPA
  • KCZS (Slovakian Disaster Response Unit – Komplexná Centrálna Záchranná Služba) – Gold medal

The President of IBSSA handed over the following IBSSA Awards, Recognitions, Medal of Merits and other decorations to numerous people for their continuous and dedicated work:

Hall of Fame of Sport (IBSSA-ISF)  Mr. Ljubomir VRACAREVIC (Serbia), 10th dan Real Aikido
IBSSA Recognitions for professional work:
  • “Master Teacher of the Year 2012”   Mr. Zsolt PIPICZ (Hungary), Master Teacher of EP
  • "Security manager of the Year 2012”   Dr. András NIKLÓS (Hungary), General Manager of Provéd Zrt.
  • “Company of the Year 2012”   Protection Group (Switzerland)
  • “Aviation Security Expert of the Year 2012”  Mr. István MACSÁRI (Hungary), police major, Airport Police

IBSSA Medal of Merit decorations and certificates were handed over to the following high-ranking officials in appreciation of their support, successful cooperation, remarkable and outstanding work:

  • GOLD      Dr. Valér DÁNOS (Hungary), ret. police major-general
  • GOLD      H.E. Yurii MUSHKA (Ukraine), Ambassador of Ukraine
  • SILVER   Mr. Tibor KULCSÁR (Slovakia), Disaster Response Unit in Slovakia

For continuous outstanding services rendered to IBSSA decorations and certificates were handed over to:

  • Dr. István FODROS
  • Mr. Ernő KRAUZER, police lieutenant colonel
  • Soke István KELEMEN
  • Mr. Csaba KERTÉSZ

Honorary Membership certificate of IBSSA:

  • H.E. Zeljko JANJETOVIC – Ambassador of Bosnia-Herzegovina
  • H.E. Nurbakh RUSTEMOV – Ambassador of Kazakhstan
  • Mr. József GERENDÁS – Hotel President

The “5 star security hotel” qualification of the HOTEL PRESIDENT was renewed again and the certificate about it was handed over to Mr. József GERENDÁS – General Manager of Hotel President.

New IBSSA Members:

  • Mr. Ivan ZOGOVIC (Montenegro)
  • Mr. Hrvoje PAVLECIC (Croatia)
  • Mr. George A. JOLINK (Netherlands)
  • Ms. Gerdi Debby van DOMMELEN (Netherlands)
  • Mr. Zoltán ANGLER (Hungary)
  • Mr. Béla BELÉNYESI (Hungary)
  • Mr. György FARKAS (Hungary)

After the IBSSA decorations the Ceremony of PRO DEO State University (PDSU) took place – with the assistance of Prof. Ferenc KERTÉSZ-BAKOS – by giving Ph.D. Honoris causa diplomas to the following people:

  • Mr. Alessandro MONARI (Italy) – Faculty of Security and Safety Sciences. Title of his thesis: “Crime Prevention”
  • Mr. Miklós ANDRÁSI (Hungary) – Faculty of Political Sciences and International Relations. Title of his thesis: “Diplomatic Protocol for International Organisations”

Dr. Rony KLUGER – President of International Budo Academy (IBA – the official institute of IBSSA) handed over 2 certificates to Mr. Ljubomir VRACAREVIC (Serbia) – appointing him to Official Representative of IBA, and Master Teacher of Aikido.

The mission of these universities in security and also of IBSSA, IPA, IAPA and all our partner organisations is the same!

The XII. “SEC-tember” International Special Security Advanced Training Seminar of IBSSA for high-level and skilled security professionals was held between 23 – 29 September 2013 in Budapest, Hungary with the support of the Law Enforcement Executive Training Institute of the Ministry of the Interior (BM-OKTF), the International Training Centre of the Ministry of Interior (FBI Academy), and also well-known and highly qualified international experts, police and SWAT trainers, Master Teachers and Instructors of our association.
The IBSSA Board of Directors and the Organising Committee of the “SEC-tember” decided to organise the Closing Ceremony and Sayonara Party of the training within the Award Ceremony of the IBSSA Congress and Conference.
The following students of the training received certificates of recognition:

„BESTS” of the XII. SEC-tember training

  • Most diligent student – Ms. Hajnalka RÖVID (Romania)
  • Best shooter – Mr. Jamie FAULKENBERRY (USA)
  • Best fighter – Mr. Matej DERMASTJA (Slovenia)
  • Best student on Bomb-disposal – Mr. Róbert ANDRÁS (Romania)
  • Best CPO – Mr. Nick BEEKMAN (Netherlands)

Awards of the III. “István MACSÁRI, ret. police colonel” Memorial Shooting Championships

  • 3rd place – Mr. Davy LOETE (Belgium)
  • 2nd place – Mr. Nick BEEKMAN (Netherlands)
  • 1st place – Mr. Róbert ANDRÁS (Romania)

Certificates of IBSSA Qualification (Instructor, Master Teacher)

  • Mr. George A. JOLINK (Netherlands) – Assistant Instructor of EP
  • Mr. Bruno STEINFORT (Netherlands) – Assistant Instructor of Bomb-disposal techniques
  • Mr. Gyula SIRA (Hungary) – Master Teacher of Self-Defence
  • Mr. János HÜLBER (Austria) – Master Teacher of Self-Defence

Commemorative IBSSA plaque for support was handed over to Mr. Sándor SINKOVICS – Instructor and Club Leader of SYSTEMA Russian Martial Art HUNGARIA.


Based on his past activities in the security industry and working steadily and persistently for IBSSA, Prof. George POPPER – President of IBSSA received the following decoration:

  •  Certificate of merit from International Police Association (IPA) Hungary – Gyula Section


Thereafter Mr. Zoltán HOSSÓ (Hungary), Vice President of the IAPA welcomed officially the new honorary members of the International Auxiliary Police Association and handed over the certificates and merits to: 

  • Mr. Gyula GYŐRI – President of the National Transport Authority 
  • Mr. Kornél SZEPESSY – CEO of HungaroControl Zrt.


General Ján CULKA – Commander of the Slovakian Disaster Response Unit (Komplexná Centrálna Záchranná Služba) awarded the following people: 

  • Dr. Rony KLUGER (Israel), General Secretary of IBSSA – “Gold Medal of KCZS” 
  • Mr. Branislav JOVCHEVSKI (Macedonia), Country Representative of IBSSA – “Silver Medal of KCZS”


After the award ceremony Prof. George POPPER officially closed the Conference and expressed his special thanks, gratitude and appreciation to the Organising Committee for the great hospitality as well as to the supporters and patrons of this significant and extremely successful event.


7th October 2013, Budapest


Minutes were taken by:

Ms. Erika MACSÁRI – Head of the Central Administration Office


Approved by:

Prof. George POPPER, ltg., KGC – President of IBSSA


Certified by:

Mr. Antal KOLLÁR and Dr. Olivér RÓZSA