MINUTES of the XXI. IBSSA Congress and the 6th “Partnership for Security” International Joint Conference
On the 21st March 2018, the XXI. Congress of IBSSA, the 6th “Partnership for Security” International Joint Conference of IBSSA – IPA (International Police Association) – IAPA (International Auxiliary Police Association) together with the Award Ceremony were held at the Conference room of Metropolitan Hotel in Tel Aviv, Israel with the participation of appr. 60 members from 4 continents, representing 25 national and international organisations. Numerous security officials of the region also attended the Conference.
Session 1 – the XXI. Congress of IBSSA
At 9.00 am Prof. George POPPER (Hungary) – President of IBSSA welcomed all delegates, representatives of our association, wholeheartedly greeted the present honorary guests and officially opened the IBSSA Congress.
Then asked Dr. Rony KLUGER (Israel) – General Secretary of IBSSA for Roll Call. It was announced, that having the roll call country-by-country and delegate-by-delegate was unnecessary as majority of the attendees knew each other and according to the list of participants and the Statutes of IBSSA it was stated that the Congress has a quorum. The Congress votes by open ballot and single majority. The delegates with voting rights had either 1 or 10 votes, as for individual members have 1 vote and corporate members have 10 votes. Voting by proxy was also allowed according to the Statutes of IBSSA.
After the administrative formalities, Dr. Rony KLUGER called upon Prof. George POPPER – President of IBSSA – as chairman of the congress, who first of all greeted all delegates and expressed his thanks to everyone for their continuous support and attendance at this significant event, with special thanks to the organisers for the great help and professional assistance, as well as to the Sponsors for all kind of cooperation. The President of IBSSA gave a short report about the Congress itself, that the first part would be an internal meeting with elections, while the Conference afterwards is open for all guests, associated organisations, observers and the press.
After the roll call and welcoming Prof. George POPPER – President of IBSSA, Chairman of the Congress informed all attendees that this Congress was an elective assembly. The President reported in the name of the Board of Directors on the activities of IBSSA since its establishment and especially about the work of the association in the past 5 years, highlighting some main topics briefly:
- 24 years of IBSSA
- reports about the audit – incomes and expenses of IBSSA
- Anti-Human Trafficking Project (AHTP)
- UN recognition
- IBSSA qualification accepted worldwide
- Well-known and recognised instructors
(Profit and Loss Statement and Balance sheet – ANNEX 4)
Then Prof. George POPPER asked the Congress to approve the above reports. The Congress unanimously adopted all the reports including the report of the President, the General Secretary, as well as the Audit Report and the Budget for 2018-2019.
The Chairman of the Congress announced that the ex-leadership made a great job – as it is seen from the report of the last 5 years' activities. Then he reviewed the proposal for election, which document was based on the proposals and nominations arrived 30 days in advance the Congress date – according to the Statutes of IBSSA.
The newly elected Board of Directors for the next 5 years:
- President Prof. George POPPER (Hungary)
- General Secretary Dr. Rony KLUGER (Israel)
- Chairman Mr. Karl DELAGUERRA (USA)
- 1st Vice President Dr. Marko NICOVIC (Serbia)
- Vice President Mr. Stephen CHEE (Singapore)
- Vice President Mr. Imtiaz ABDULLA (South Africa)
- Vice President Mr. Jerry BRUMLEY (USA)
- Vice President Mr. Ronan CHATELLIER (France)
- Substitute Vice President Mr. Branislav JOVCHEVSKI (Macedonia)
- Managing Director Ms. Erika MACSÁRI (Hungary)
- Patron HMEH Prince José COSMELLI (Portugal)
- Honorary Founding President HRH Prince Adan Czartoryski BORBON (Spain)
- Honorary Vice President for American continent H.E. Dr. Joey DEMAIO (USA)
- Dr. Bogdan VUKOSAVLJEVIC (Slovenia)
Members of the Auditing Committee for the next 5 years:
- Mr. John BOKOTEY (Ukraine)
- Dr. László REINDL (Hungary)
- Dr. Oliver ROZSA (USA)
The activity of IBSSA International Sport Federation (IBSSA – ISF) started 15 years ago. The President was re-elected and because the previous General Secretary passed away, a new member was elected to this position as follows:
After the official reports, it was announced that the XXII. IBSSA Congress and the 7th “Partnership for Security” International Conference is planned to be organised in 2019 in France. The IBSSA Board of Directors will make the final decision later, but it is likely that the representative of France will get the right to organise the Congress next year! In 2019, the IBSSA plans to organise the following events as well:
- 2nd Annual Meeting for American Continent and Caribbean countries in Indiana, USA
- Balkan Conference in Serbia, or Macedonia
When all the reports and comments were finished, Prof. George POPPER officially closed the Congress and informed all attendees about the forthcoming program, which would start at 11.00 am in the Conference room after the 30 minutes’ coffee break.
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Session 2 – the 6th International “Partnership for Security” Joint Conference
At 11.00 am – right after the XXI. Congress of the IBSSA – the 6th International “Partnership for Security” Joint Conference of IBSSA – IPA – IAPA with the main topic: “Fight against Human Trafficking, Modern Slavery and Terrorism”, together with the Award Ceremony took place in the Conference room of Metropolitan Hotel, Tel Aviv, Israel. Since many delegations and representatives of IBSSA arrived also to the XXI. Congress of the IBSSA – which was held the same day in the morning – the International Joint Conference had a wide international attendance, too.
Prof. George POPPER – President of IBSSA welcomed all delegates, representatives of the different association, high-ranking leaders of IPA, IAPA and other law enforcement agencies, wholeheartedly greeted the present VIP guests, who accepted the invitation and honoured our event with their participation, then officially opened the Conference. He highlighted the importance of the partnership between the police and the auxiliary services, and informed the delegates that the topic this year is about “Fight against Human Trafficking, Modern Slavery and Terrorism”.
Prof. Popper announced that high-ranking leaders and officials, VIPs and IBSSA representatives – who could not be present – were sending greetings and good wishes for the event, such as:
- H.M.E.H. Prince José COSMELLI (Portugal) – Patron of IBSSA, Grand Master and Head of the State of the “Sovereign Order of Saint John of Jerusalem, Knights of Malta, Federation of the Autonomous Priories” (KMFAP)
- Mr. Ronan CHATELLIER (France) – Country Representative for France
- Mr. Ivan IVANOVICH (Mexico) – Country Representative for Mexico
- Mr. Michael CSOKE (Canada) – Regional Representative for Canada
- Mr. Orlando MARDNER (UK) – Country Representative for the U.K.
- Mr. Zeljko GAJIC (Serbia) – Chief of IBSSA-AHTB Serbia, Governor of “Prim dr sci. Todor Jovanovic” Foundation
- Dr. Zoran R. VITOROVIC (Switzerland) – President of the Association Swiss Morning Star (ASMS)
- Ing. Lukas ZVALA (Slovakia)
- Prof. Giacomo S. BERTOLETTI (Italy)
- Dr. Paul HÖGLUND (Sweden)
After the welcoming Prof. George POPPER summarized the happenings of the morning event, and gave a detailed report on the 24 years’ activities of IBSSA, with special regard to the:
- Anti-Human Trafficking Project (AHTP) in 26 countries
- significant results and governmental, police recognition in Mexico
- our Master Teachers play an important role in teaching not only private security experts but also law enforcement agencies
- Order of Security – new system of professional recognition
- IBSSA qualification accepted worldwide
- UN recognition and reported on the forthcoming official programs.
The Conference participants listened the presentations and briefings of the following officials:
- Dr. Ádám SCHUMAN (Hungary) – Representative of IPA - “Partnership for Security” became much more powerful
- Dr. Zoltán HOSSÓ (Hungary) – President of IAPA - IAPA, the bonds of friendship – Present challenges
- Dr. Tony SCHIENA (USA) – President of MOSAIC, Counter-terror expert of IBSSA - Human Slavery – “We enrage, then we engage”
Grand Cross Knight of Security decoration of the Order of Security (OoS) was handed over to Mr. Schiena as recognition for his dedicated work and multifaceted activities in the field of security.
- Dr. Rony KLUGER (Israel) – Chairman of the IBSSA Education and Qualification Department - Educational system of IBSSA, Worldwide qualification
- Mr. Guy LUPO (Israel) - Cyber Security – “Think first, then click”
Honorary Membership of IAPA was handed over to Mr. Lupo as recognition for his committed work.
- Mr. András KOVÁCS (Hungary) – Senior Manager of MediHelp International - Information about MEDIHELP International and NESACARD – private health insurance
ANNEX 8 - Presentation - AHTB.pdf
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Session 3 – the AWARD CEREMONY
After the presentations and briefings, the AWARD CEREMONY of the IBSSA, IAPA, the Order of Security and other partners started.
Prof. George POPPER – President of IBSSA welcomed everybody, and reported shortly about the different decorations, awards and announced officially the new international award system for the professionals working in the field of security and law enforcement.
Grand Cross Knight of Security
- Mr. Zoltán ISZLAI (Hungary)
- Mr. Branislav JOVCHEVSKI (Macedonia)
- Mr. András NOVÁK (Hungary)
Gold Star with Diamonds
- Mr. Avraham SALMON (Israel)
- Dr. Shraga SADE (Israel)
Silver Star with Diamonds
- Ms. Viktória HÄFNER (Hungary)
- Dr. Tony SCHIENA (USA) – IAPA Gold Diploma
- Mr. Avraham SALMON (Israel) – IAPA Gold Diploma
- Mr. Zahal LEVY (Israel) – IAPA Honorary Member
- Dr. Shraga SADE (Israel) – IAPA Volunteer Charity Gold Angel
- Lady Anna POPPER (Hungary) – Golden Star
After the award ceremony Prof. George POPPER officially closed the Conference and expressed his special thanks, gratitude and appreciation to the Organising Committee for the great work and hospitality as well as to the supporters and patrons of this significant and extremely successful event, and then invited all participants for the Gala Lunch.
21st March 2018, Tel Aviv, Israel
Minutes were taken by: Ms. Erika MACSÁRI – Head of the Central Administration Office
Approved by: Prof. George POPPER – President of IBSSA
Certified by: Dr. Miklós VARGA (USA) and Dr. András NIKLÓS (Hungary)