Program of the XIX. IBSSA Congress and 4. International Joint Conference of IBSSA – IPA – IAPA

Motto: “Partnership for Security”
theme: Education and Training

10th October 2015 / Budapest, Hungary


9th October 2015, Friday

Evening - Proposed arrival of the delegates


Address: 1074 Budapest, Rákóczi út 90.

For reservation - and receiving the special room prices for the IBSSA congress  - please contact directly Ms. Kitti Kristóf, banquet sales manager via e-mail:

Special price:

76.- EUR / Single room / night (incl. Breakfast, free Wi-Fi and taxes) 

86.- EUR / Double room / night (incl. Breakfast, free Wi-Fi and taxes)

The costs of the room have to be paid directly to the Hotel!

10th October 2015, Saturday

08.00 – 09.00 REGISTRATION for the Participants

09.00 – 10.30 Official opening of the XIX. IBSSA Annual Congress

  • Welcome Speech by the President of IBSSA
  • Greetings by the representatives of IBSSA
  • Brief report on the current situation of the security field
  • Introduction of New Members
  • Introduction of new structures within the association
  • Signing of Cooperation agreements
  • Plans for the year 2016 and future events worldwide
  • Debate

Participation of IBSSA representatives and officials is COMPULSORY!

10.30 – 11.00 Coffee break

11.00 – 14.00 Official opening of the 4th International Joint Conference of IBSSA, IPA (International Police Association), and IAPA (International Auxiliary Police Association) 

Motto: “Partnership for Security” Theme: Education and Training

  • Keynote speaker: President of IBSSA
  • Welcome speeches
  • Reports on the current situation in Europe and Worldwide
  • Introduction of new partner organisations
  • Speeches by IPA, IAPA, NATEA, Private Detectives, FEMERAID, DetInf, and other organisations
  • Debate

14.00 – 15.30 Lunch

15.30 – 17.00 AWARD CEREMONY

Medal of Merit, recognitions, appointments, other awards:

Order of Security

IBSSA Medal of Merit

IBSSA awards

XIV. SEC-tember – certificates, awards and recognitions

I. Open Bodyguard Championship – awards to the winners

PRO-DEO State University

IBA (International Budo Academy)

Knight Orders

IAPA, IPA decorations

other decorations

17.00 Closing the Conference

19.30 Gala dinner – SAYONARA PARTY

Information: Rózsa PR Agency / Rózsa B. György – General manager

Phone: +36-1-413-0745

Mobil: +36-30-9489-638


Participation fee at the Gala dinner: 50.- EUR / person

* * * * * * *

Congress and conference Registration fee: 50.- EUR /person

(This fee covers participation at the Congress, the Conference and the Award Ceremony, as well as the conference materials, and also the official Lunch.)

Congress and conference Registration fee with Gala dinner: 100.- EUR /person

For guests (not attending the Conference) fee for the Award Ceremony and the Gala dinner is: 50.- EUR / person

Deadline for sending Confirmation of participation to the Organisers is: 25th September 2015

IBSSA Organising Committee:

Dr. Anna POPPER – director of the Organising Committee


Cell: +36 70 414 0928 Ms.



Cell: +36 30 2215 988 or +36 70 414 0629