Report on the XIV. “SEC-tember” Intl. Special Security Advanced Training on EP between 4-10 October 2015

“Education is the most powerful weapon,
which you can use to change the world”
(Nelson Mandela)

XIV. “SEC-tember” – the TOP and most successful professional training of IBSSA – took place this year between 4 – 10 October 2015 in Budapest, Hungary. In accordance with the previous years' traditions the Law Enforcement Executive Training Institute of the Ministry of Interior (BM-KSZF) and the Adyliget Law Enforcement School (ARSZKI) hosted and supported our international special security advanced training, and this year again we had practical exercises at the Tactical House of the International Training Centre – Ministry of Interior (BM-NOK) – the so called FBI Academy.

As Chairman of the Organising Committee for the 14th time, Miss Erika MACSÁRI – Chief of the Central Administration Office of IBSSA, took her usual place at the “SEC-tember” event by welcoming all participants, VIP guests and Master Teachers, Instructors. 24 students (mostly IBSSA members) from 11 countries registered to the training course. Different nationalities, but only one language that of the professional bodyguard. Most of the applicants are working in the security field, or at law enforcement agencies in their home countries, yet it was important for them to improve their knowledge through various professional trainings.

Of course, the professional team of Master Teachers, Instructors and Police Officers – SWAT trainers was again a guarantee for the expected high quality training. The beginner and advanced level participants could learn by close observation from the following respected, qualified and recognised masters (not to mention the active working police staff):

  • Mr. Zsolt PIPICZ – Master Teacher of Executive Protection, professional CPO
  • Mr. Attila KOTLÁR – Instructor of Self-Defence
  • Mr. János HÜLBER (Austria) – Master Teacher of Self Defence
  • Mr. László HEGEDŰS (Denmark) – Medical Instructor at PPA-International Medical, Ambulance Nurse Practitioner at the Hungarian National Ambulance Service
  • Soke István KELEMEN – 10. Dan Ju Jitsu, Close Combat instructor of the Counter Terrorism Centre, Chief Instructor of the European Antiterrorist Special Forces
  • Mr. György RÓZSÁS – shooting instructor / Owner of the brand new, very special Shooting Range, which is one of the largest ranges in Europe
  • Mr. László HIDEG – Assistant Instructor of Self Defence
  • Mr. Gergely MÁRKUS (Ireland) – Assistant Instructor of VIP Protection
  • Mr. Denis LEVSHOV (Russia) – lecturer of disaster management, member of ÖPVE
  • Mr. Ferenc SZEGNER – Lecturer at the Tactical House

On the 4th October (Sunday), during the Opening Ceremony, the President of IBSSA, Prof. George POPPER welcomed the participants, introduced the teaching staff, and welcomed our honorary guests. The IBSSA President explained that the training could not have taken place without the selfless and continuous support of the Master Teachers, Instructors and some active IBSSA members. Furthermore the assistance of the Law Enforcement Executive Training Institute of the Ministry of Interior (BM-KSZF) – that has been in close cooperation with IBSSA for many years now – together with the dedicated work and constant support of its head director, Dr. Valér DÁNOS ret. police major-general, and the deputy-director, Mr. Ernő KRAUZER police colonel also contributes much to the success and international recognition of IBSSA!

The Deputy-Director, pol. col. Ernő KRAUZER officially opened the XIV. SEC-tember special training! After that at 19.00 o'clock everyone was invited for an official dinner in the Petneházy Country Club, where the old and new participants found very quickly a common voice...

The organisers of the 14th “SEC-tember” set-up such an extraordinary and special program this year for the purpose of ensuring the highest education for the participants working in security that – besides the overall executive protection, escorting techniques, practical shooting, and security self-defence – they placed emphasis on live practices for security assignment for the teams and also focused on disaster management, communication and emergency management (Tactical VIP Lifesaver).


After the professional programs and lectures the IBSSA Headquarters organised the I. Open Bodyguard Championship in Budapest, Hungary, on the 9th October 2015. During this championship 3-person teams of professional and civil close protection experts and officers from all around the world had the opportunity to measure their knowledge in different situational tasks at several locations.

The BRAVEST people – arriving from 12 countries – faced this challenge in order to show and prove their professional skills!

The competition contained tasks – built on each other – that required stamina and tactical preparation. Among the tasks were:

- Fitness task that requires physical endurance (obstacle course)

- Shooting

- Handling a disaster situation, supply and save the wounded

- Implementation of the personal protection escort

After describing the task the different situations were implemented by time measurement – the time was stopped after performing the last task.

Congratulations to all teams for participating the championship and that everyone competed with the best of his/her knowledge!

On the 10th October 2015 at 15.30 o'clock all the hard effort of both – students and teachers were brought to an end during the Award Ceremony and the official closing reception. The Closing Ceremony and Gala Dinner took place at Best Western Hotel Hungária – as a joint event with the IBSSA Congress, as well as the “Partnership for Security” Conference.

During the Award Ceremony – according to “SEC-tember” tradition – all attendants were handed over the IBSSA Certificate of Participation, and then the results of the I. Open Bodyguard Championship were remunerated with official IBSSA awards.

Results of the I. Open Bodyguard Championship:

  • 1st place: “TOP-COP Security” team – Mr. Gergely BIHARI, Mr. Tamás KELEMEN, Mr. Gábor MOLNÁR
  • 2nd place: “CERBERUS” team – Mr. Davy LOETE (BEL), Mr. Róbert ANDRÁS (ROM), Mr. Kamil STRYCKO (SVK)
  • 3rd place: “THE EXPENDABLES” team – Ms. Emese METS, Ms. Nóra PANKOVICS (SVK), Mr. Milos NIKIC (SVN)
  • 4th place: “IBSSA MACEDONIA” team – Mr. Marko JANKULOSKI, Mr. Martin JOVCHEVSKI, Mr. Kristijan MICEVSKI

The Organising Committee of the “SEC-tember” training would like to express its thanks to all the Instructors and Master Teachers for the professional assistance, the remarkable and outstanding work that contributed much to the success of this special event! Our gratitude and appreciation for the regular as well as new supporters and continuous sponsors of the “SEC-tember” event:

  • Mr. Kristóf Bakai – Director of Central Buda Volunteer Civil Protection Association (ÖPVE)
  • Mr. Jenő Benkő – Director of „RadioRent” Ltd, IBSSA member
  • Mr. László Dirner – IBSSA member
  • Mr. György Farkas – Official Photographer of IBSSA
  • Mr. János Hülber – General Manager of Hűség Security Ltd., IBSSA Teacher
  • Dr. György Lasz – Director of „IN-KAL” Company Group, IBSSA member
  • Mr. Ádám Schuman – General Manager of Laborexpert Ltd.
  • Mr. László Tímár – „PAJZS” Technology Ltd, IBSSA Head of Vehicle Protection Department
  • Mr. Viktor Dávid Tóth – IBSSA member

MEDIA PARTNERS: HEKUS Magazine, Diplomatic Magazine, Detektor Plusz Magazine

The SEC-tember event proved again to be a highly expected and TOP seminar!

We are looking forward to seeing you all and your colleagues in 2016 at the 15th “SEC-tember” training.

15th October 2015