MINUTES of the XXIII. Congress of IBSSA,
8th “Partnership for Security” International Joint Conference of IBSSA – IPA – IAPA,
and Award Ceremony
 29th April 2023, Budapest / HUNGARY  On the 29th April 2023, the XXIII. Congress of IBSSA with General Assembly, the 8th “Partnership for Security” International Joint Conference of IBSSA – IPA (International Police Association) – IAPA (International Auxiliary Police Association) together with the Award Ceremony were held at the Ybl Hall of ENSANA Grand Margaret Island Hotel in Budapest, Hungary with the participation of appr. 120 members from 20 countries, representing 35 national and international organisations.

Session 1 – the XXIII. Congress of IBSSA

At 10.00 am Prof. George POPPER (Hungary) – President of IBSSA welcomed all delegates, representatives of our association, wholeheartedly greeted the present honorary guests and officially opened the IBSSA Congress and General Assembly. Then asked Dr. Rony KLUGER (Israel) – General Secretary of IBSSA for Roll Call.It was announced that having the roll call country-by-country and delegate-by-delegate was unnecessary as majority of the attendees knew each other and according to the list of participants and the Statutes of IBSSA it was stated that the Congress has a quorum. The Congress votes by open ballot and single majority.The delegates with voting rights had either 1 or 10 votes, as for individual members have 1 vote and corporate members have 10 votes. Voting by proxy was also allowed according to the Statutes of IBSSA. After the roll call the Congress unanimously adopted the following proposals:Chairman of the congress                           Prof. George POPPER (Hungary)Co-chairman of the congress                      Mr. Karl DELAGUERRA (USA)Keeper of the minutes                                 Ms. Erika MACSÁRI (Hungary)Attesters of the minutes                  Dr. Zoltán HOSSÓ (Hungary) and Dr. András NIKLÓS (Hungary) After the administrative formalities, Dr. Rony KLUGER called upon Prof. George POPPER – President of IBSSA – as chairman of the congress, who first of all greeted all delegates and expressed his thanks to everyone for their continuous support and attendance at this significant event, with special thanks to the organisers for the great help and professional assistance, as well as to the Sponsors for all kind of cooperation. Then the President handed over the membership documents for the new individual members of IBSSA, so all these people will also have the right to vote during the election. After the roll call and welcoming Prof. George POPPER – President of IBSSA, Chairman of the Congress informed all attendees that this Congress was an elective assembly. The President reported in the name of the Board of Directors on the activities of IBSSA since its establishment and especially about the work of the association in the past years. Prof. Popper informed the participants that all congress related materials, significant documents of IBSSA as well as of IBSSA–ISF were presented to all participants during registration, therefore there is no need for long speeches during the Congress.(President’s Report is enclosed – ANNEX 1)
 Dr. Rony KLUGER – General Secretary of IBSSA, and President of IBSSA-ISF provided information on the activities and work of the International Sport Federation during the past years.(ISF Report is enclosed – ANNEX 2) 
 Dr. Bogdan VUKOSAVLJEVIC – Chairman of the Executive Committee of IBSSA gave a short information about the achievements of IBSSA in recent years.(EC Chairman Remarks is enclosed – ANNEX 3) 
  Prof. George POPPER – Chairman of the Congress reported shortly about the auditing of the last 2 years (2021-2022), which was carried out officially one month prior to the Congress by the Auditing Committee. Prof. Popper provided information on the pecuniary situation of the association and the impact of the pandemic on the security profession.(Audit report is enclosed – ANNEX 4) 
 After the Audit Report the President of IBSSA gave detailed information about the budget for the future and roughed out the financial situation of IBSSA.(Budget for 2024 is enclosed – ANNEX 6)
  Then Prof. George POPPER asked the Congress to approve the above reports. The Congress unanimously adopted all the reports including the report of the President, the General Secretary, the EC Chairman, as well as the Audit Report and the Budget for 2024. The Chairman of the Congress announced that the ex-leadership made a great job – as it is seen from the report of the last years’ activities. Then he reviewed the proposal for election, which was based on the proposals and nominations arrived 30 days in advance the Congress date – according to the Statutes of IBSSA. The Congress unanimously re-elected and elected the following members to their positions stated in the proposal.(Proposal for election is enclosed – ANNEX 7)  The newly elected Board of Directors for the next 5 years:President                               Prof. George POPPER (Hungary)General Secretary                Dr. Rony KLUGER (Israel)Chairman                              Mr. Karl DELAGUERRA (USA)1st Vice President               Dr. Marko NICOVIC (Serbia)Vice President                      Mr. Imtiaz ABDULLA (South Africa)Vice President                      Mr. Stephen CHEE (Singapore)Vice President                      Mr. Branislav JOVCHEVSKI (North Macedonia)Vice President                      Mr. Winfried RAITHEL (Germany)Vice President                      Mr. Ronan CHATELLIER (France)Managing Director               Ms. Erika MACSÁRI (Hungary) Patron                                His Most Eminent Highness Prince José COSMELLI (Portugal)Honorary Founding President His Royal Highness Prince Adan Czartoryski BORBON (Spain) Honorary Vice President for American continent    H.E. Dr. Joey DEMAIO (USA) Chairman of the Executive Committee: Dr. Bogdan VUKOSAVLJEVIC (Slovenia) Members of the Auditing Committee for the next 5 years: Mr. John BOKOTEY (Ukraine)Dr. László REINDL (Hungary)Dr. Oliver ROZSA (USA)Mr. Bence IVÁNCSICS (USA) – Substitute member The activity of IBSSA International Sport Federation (IBSSA – ISF) started 20 years ago. The President and the General Secretary were re-elected to their positions for the coming 5 years: President of IBSSA – ISF:                             Dr. Rony KLUGER (Israel)General Secretary of IBSSA – ISF:             Dr. Nico WAERTS (Netherlands)  The following offices and all other positions are appointments by the newly elected Board of Directors, carried out after the Congress, and hereby everyone is informed.(Information on NEW Appointments – ANNEX 8) 
  After the elections, the IBSSA President talked briefly about the plans and future events of IBSSA, and announced that the XXIV. IBSSA Congress and the 9th “Partnership for Security” International Conference is planned to be organised in 2024 in Germany. The IBSSA Board of Directors will make the final decision later, but it is likely that the representative of Germany will get the right to organise the Congress next year! Then the Congress participants listened the presentations of the following officials:

  • Mr. Zeljko GAJIC (Serbia), Director for European Operations of IBSSA AHTBInformation on the IBSSA Anti-Human Trafficking Project activities
  • Mr. Branislav JOVCHEVSKI (North Macedonia), Vice President of BoD, Member of EQ Dept. Information on the IBSSA Training Centre in North Macedonia
  • Dr. Antal KOLLÁR (Hungary), Country Representative for Hungary Drones and Security

When all the reports and comments were finished, Prof. George POPPER officially closed the Congress and informed all attendees about the forthcoming program, which would start at 14.00 o’clock in the Ybl Hall after the 2-hour lunch break.    * * * * * * * * * *  Session 2 – the 8th “Partnership for Security” International Joint Conference
  At 2.00 pm the 8th “Partnership for Security” International Joint Conference of IBSSA – IPA – IAPA with the main topic: “Challenges of the security profession in the light of the pandemic and the Russian-Ukrainian war”, together with the Award Ceremony took place at the Ybl Hall of ENSANA Grand Margaret Island Hotel, Budapest, Hungary. Since many delegations and representatives of IBSSA arrived also to the XXIII. Congress of the IBSSA – which was held the same day in the morning – the International Joint Conference had a wide international attendance, too.  Prof. George POPPER – President of IBSSA welcomed all delegates, representatives of the different associations, high-ranking leaders of IPA, IAPA and other law enforcement agencies, and wholeheartedly greeted the present VIP guests, who accepted the invitation and honoured our event with their participation, then officially opened the Conference. He emphasised the importance of partnership between the state bodies and the civil sphere, and informed the delegates that the topic this year is about “Challenges of the security profession in the light of the pandemic and the Russian-Ukrainian war”.  Prof. Popper announced that high-ranking leaders and officials, VIPs and IBSSA representatives – who could not be present – were sending greetings and good wishes for the event, such as:

  • H.M.E.H. Prince José COSMELLI (Portugal) – Patron of IBSSA, Grand Master and Head of the State of KMFAP
  • Marquis Antonio Maria La SALANDRA (Italy) – PRO DEFENSIVE SOLUTIONS
  • H.E. Patrick BIJOU (UK)
  • Prof. Vladislav KIRILOVSKIY (Latvia) – Regional Representative of IBSSA for Baltic Republics
  • Mr. Ronan CHATELLIER (France) – Country Representative of IBSSA for France
  • Prof. Giacomo S. BERTOLETTI (Italy)
  • Mrs. Katalin NOVÁK – President of Hungary
  • Dr. László KÖVÉR – Speaker of the National Assembly of Hungary
  • Mr. Péter SZIJJÁRTÓ – Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Hungary
  • Police Major General János HAJDU – Director General of Counter-Terror Centre (TEK)

The Greeting letters can be read by clicking on the names above …

After the welcoming, Mr. Karl DELAGUERRA (USA) – Chairman of the IBSSA Board of Directors, Founder and CEO of KDI Protective Services gave a brief report on the IBSSA activities, summarised the happenings of the past 2 days’ special shooting program, organised at the Gemini Shooting Range in Gyál. A spectacular video of a few minutes showed the moments of the shooting seminar. The Conference participants listened the presentations and briefings of the following invited lecturers:

  • Dr. Zoltán HOSSÓ, President of IAPA – International Auxiliary Police Association Information on the IAPA and its activities, as well as about the consular mission
  • Amb. Zsolt BUNFORD, Deputy State Sec. for Security – Political Director at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade Illegal Migration
  • Mr. Özkan DUMAN (Türkiye), First Counsellor at the Embassy of the Republic of Türkiye to Hungary Security in the face of Natural Disasters
  • Dr. István KOMÁROMI, ret. Police Brigadier General, Association of Hungarian Reservists (MATASZ) Development and recruitment of the Reserve Forces in Hungary
  • Lt.Col.Pol István MACSÁRI, Head of Aviation Security Department at Airport Police Directorate of ORFK Covid – War – Aviation
  • Mr. Gábor Csaba BUCSEK, Executive Director of the IT and Bank Security Directorate of OTP Bank Plc. Security challenges from perspective of Financial Institutions in light of the Russian-Ukrainian military conflict
  • Mr. Milán THIEME-ESŐ, Director of Loss Prevention – The Ritz-Carlton, Budapest The impact of the pandemic and the Russian-Ukrainian War on Hotel Security
  • Dr. Kázmér Attila LOVAS, General Manager of IN-KAL Ltd. Challenges of the security profession during Covid
  • Mr. Gergely DANKOVICS, Program director of MÁESZ 2010-2020-2030 Public Health Prevention in Hungary – Hungary’s Comprehensive Health Screening Program 2010-2020-2030
  • Lt.Col.Pol Attila GÁSPÁR, Police Medic instructor, Rescue officer of the Rapid Response and Special Police Service Recognising the danger to life, interventions without equipment

Executive Protection demonstrations at the Hotelwith coffee break in the meantime

  • Mr. Ádám Barna VITÁLYOS, IPE-TTPSZ – Scientific and Technological Association of Parks Introducing the technique used at police, military and special forces, but first time at IBSSA bodyguard trainings
  • Mr. Andrii LUKASHENKO (Ukraine), ARTAN Training Centre, Deputy Dir. of Smart Risk Solutions Ukraine LLC. Challenges of the security profession in the light of the Russian-Ukrainian war – Situation in Ukraine
  • Mr. Ádám POPPER, Chairman of IBSSA Internet Department A.I. – Artificial Intelligence
  • Dr. Róbert DOBÓ, Magister of the Order of the Lion of Jerusalem Humanitarian activities of the Order of the Lion of Jerusalem
  • Mr. Sándor NAGY, Vice President of the International Romano Union (IRU) Introducing the IRU Signing of an Agreement on Cooperation between KMFAP and IRU Dr. Mária M. MARAI, Vice President of the American-Hungarian Chamber of Commerce Introducing the AmHunCham

* * * * * * * * * * Session 3 – the AWARD CEREMONY
 Right after the presentations and briefings, the AWARD CEREMONY of the IBSSA, IAPA, the Order of Security and other partner organisations started.  Prof. George POPPER – President of IBSSA welcomed everybody, and reported shortly about the different decorations, awards and also about the recently launched new international award system for the professionals, experts working in the field of security and law enforcement – the Order of Security. DECORATIONS OF IBSSA (handed over by Prof. George Popper, President) “Instructor of the Year 2022”                                            Mr. Ismet MEHMETI (Kosovo)  “Security Company of the Year 2022”              TARGET Security (Hungary) – Dr. Tamás Sipos“Training Centre of the Year 2022”       ARTAN Training Centre (Ukraine) – Mr. Andrii Lukashenko DECORATIONS OF THE ORDER OF SECURITY(handed over by Prof. George Popper, President) Grand Cross Knight of Security

  • Sir Augustin CERNIC (Hungary / Moldova)
  • Sir Magnus CEDERBLAD (Sweden)
  • Mr. Andrell JOHNSON (USA)
  • Mr. Viktor TÓTH (Hungary)

Gold Star with Diamonds

  • Mr. Zoltán TÓTH (Hungary)

Commander Shield of Security

  • Mr. Robert VINKO (Serbia / Hungary)

Officer Shield of Security

  • Mr. Tamás TAR (Hungary)

DECORATIONS OF PARTNER ORGANISATIONS IBA – International Budo Academy(handed over by Dr. Rony Kluger, Rector)

  • Mr. Szilveszter TÁNCZOS IBA Ph.D. h.c.

IAPA – International Auxiliary Police Association

(handed over by Dr. Zoltán Hossó, President)

  •  Amb. Zsolt BUNFORD (Hungary) – IAPA Gold Diploma
  • Dr. András NIKLÓS (Hungary) – IAPA Gold Diploma
  • Mr. Branislav JOVCHEVSKI (North Macedonia) – IAPA Gold Diploma
  • Mr. Lazar ODZIC (Serbia) – IAPA Honorary Member
  • Mr. Dragan JURIC (Serbia) – IAPA Honorary Member

EPA – European Police Association

(handed over by Mr. Lazar Odzic, Vice President)

  • Dr. Zoltán HOSSÓ (Hungary) – EPA Honorary Member
  • Mr. Attila HOPKA (Hungary) – EPA Honorary Member
  • Mr. Attila PIVONY EPA Representative of Hungary
  • Mr. Szilveszter TÁNCZOS EPA Member
  • Mr. Tamás SIPOS EPA Member
  • Mr. Robert VINKO EPA Member

European Police Association

(handed over by Mr. Róbert Bodor, President)

  • Mr. Lazar ODZIC (Serbia) – Honorary Member

Association of Law Enforcement Trainers (RKSZ)

(handed over by Mr. Géza Györki, President)

  •  Prof. George POPPER (Hungary) – Honorary Member

Order of Lions of Jerusalem

(handed over by Péter Gábor Grünberger)

  • Dr. Rony KLUGER (Israel)                                           Golden Star
  • Mr. Karl DELAGUERRA (USA)                                    Golden Grand Cross
  • Mr. Jonathan WALLACE II (USA)                                Golden Grand Cross
  • Dr. Zoltán HOSSÓ (Hungary)                                     Golden Magisterial Cross
  • Mr. Miklós TULIPÁN (Hungary)                                  Golden Magisterial Cross with Crown

Order of the Roman Eagle

(handed over by János Nagy)

  • Mr. Magnus CEDERBLAD (Sweden) Bronze Knight’s Cross
  • Mr. Winfried RAITHEL (Germany) Bronze Knight’s Cross

After the award ceremony Prof. George POPPER officially closed the Conference and expressed his special thanks, gratitude and appreciation to the Organising Committee for the great work and hospitality as well as to the supporters and patrons of this significant and extremely successful event, and then invited all participants for the Gala Dinner.

10th May 2023, Budapest, Hungary Minutes were taken by:               Ms. Erika MACSÁRI – Managing Director of IBSSAApproved by:                                 Prof. George POPPER – President of IBSSA Certified by:                            Dr. Zoltán HOSSÓ (Hungary) and Dr. András NIKLÓS (Hungary)