IBSSA – ISF Leadership

IBSSA – International Sport Federation (ISF)


Honorary President:

President of the International Sport Federation:
Dr. Rony KLUGER (Israel)

General Secretary of ISF:
Dr. Nico WAERTS (Netherlands)

Executive President of ISF for Europe:
Mr. Magnus CEDERBLAD (Sweden)

Executive President of ISF for Africa:
Mr. Imtiaz ABDULLA (Republic of South Africa)

Executive President of ISF for America:
Mr. Joe B. MIRZA (USA)

Other members:

Vice President (AIKIDO):
Mr. Attila PIVONY – Hungary

Vice President (BOKATOR):
Grandmaster San Kim SEAN – Cambodia

Vice President (HEAVY ATHLETICS):
Dr. Josef LEITNER – Hungary

Vice President (JU JITSU):
Mr. István KELEMEN – Hungary and
Dr. Auvo NIINIKETO – Finland

Vice President (KARATE):
Mr. Vladimir MIRONOV – Uzbekistan

Vice President (KEMPO):
Dr. Péter FÁBIÁN – Hungary

Vice President (KICK BOX):
Mr. Winfried RAITHEL – Germany

Vice President (KUNG FU, THAI BOX):
Dr. Robert LYONS – USA

Vice President (MARTIAL ARTS):
Dr. Giuseppe MORABITO – Italy

Vice President (MMA, JUDO, Grappling):
Mr. Tamás KÁRPÁTI – Hungary

Vice President (SHOOTING):
Mr. Gyula SIRA – Hungary


Vice President:
Mr. Khalil Ahmad KHAN – Pakistan

Vice President:
Mr. Tamás TÖRÖK – USA

Vice President:
Soke Sadatomo HARADA – Japan

Representative for Ashihara:
Mr. Attila DURGÓ – Hungary

Representative for Arabic Region:
Mr. Emad S. KHALIL

Representative for Florida, USA:
Shihan Rey PEREZ

Representative for Georgia, USA:
Shihan Pete PUKISH

Representative for England:
Mr. Thomas W. STARLING


Deputy Organiser:
Dr. Péter GÁBOR – Hungary